Saturday, February 8

The club of Princess Tenisheva in St. Petersburg will hold a lesson on Russian style for foreigners

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The Princess Tenisheva Club will hold a master class on Russian style of the late XIX century in St. Petersburg in March for students from Asia and Africa, the founder of the club Irina Kenya told TASS on January 5.

Princess Maria Tenisheva (1858-1928) was a patron of the arts and an artist, the creator of an art center in the village of Talashkin in the Smolensk region, where Repin, Vrubel, Korovin, Benois and many other figures of Russian culture visited at different times. She collected a collection of Russian and foreign watercolors, compiled a collection of decorative, applied and folk art, published the magazine “World of Art”, opened a free drawing studio in St. Petersburg at her own expense under the direction of Repin. In 2022, the Tenishev Club was created from representatives of the Russian regions associated with the life of the Tenishevs: Bryansk and Smolensk, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The club is engaged in preserving the creative heritage of the Princess.

“Foreign students of the First St. Petersburg Medical State University are very interested in Tenisheva. In March we decided to make a master class for them about the Russian style of the late XIX century, of which the princess was an adherent. It is planned that students from Iran, African and Asian countries will come,” Kenya said.

According to her, students will get acquainted with the concept and history of the Russian style, they will be told about artists, architects of the XIX century, they will be shown objects and illustrations. Also, the participants of the master class will paint wooden blanks. “They will be taught wood painting. We will choose what kind of painting it will be from several types, for example Khokhloma or Gorodetskaya, they will be able to paint a wooden figure with their own hands. We also plan to take embroidery,” Kenya added.

She said that the club is also planning a master class for students of the Pavlovsk Gymnasium No. 56. “Perhaps we will organize a master class for residents and guests of St. Petersburg, we are working on this option. Educational lectures will be held as part of the master classes,” Kenya noted.




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