Saturday, February 8

The largest solar telescope in Eurasia began to be built near Lake Baikal

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The Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISSF SB RAS) has begun construction of the largest solar telescope in Eurasia in Buryatia-

the coronograph. It will become the most complex and expensive instrument of the National Heliogeophysical Complex being created in Russia. The first stone in the foundation of the future telescope was laid on Saturday, reports TASS.

“The design of the telescope ended last year. We have received a positive conclusion of the Glavgosexpertiza, a construction permit. And this year an order of the government of the Russian Federation was issued on the start of construction of a unique scientific instrument – a solar telescope,” Sergey Olemskoy, First Deputy director of the ISSF, told the agency.

According to him, the telescope will be the largest in Eurasia, in 2023 the work will be limited to the preparation of the construction site, and subcontractors for certain types of work will be involved from the beginning of 2024.

The object will appear on the territory of the Sayan Solar Observatory of the ISSF, near the village of Mondy in Buryatia. The cost of the instrument is approximately 36 billion rubles, and its commissioning is scheduled for 2030.

The telescope will allow scientists to explore the thin structure of the photosphere, inaccessible to small-diameter telescopes and orbital observatories. It also allows for spectral analysis and obtaining unique data on magnetic fields and the motion of matter, to investigate the causes of solar flares, coronal ejections and other phenomena in the Sun.

Earlier, American astronomers discovered an object in space that resembles a question mark in shape. According to scientists, two colliding galaxies may have a similar shape.


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