Saturday, February 8

The International School of Young Historians has ended in the Kaliningrad region

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More than 40 young historians, political scientists and international experts from Russia, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan took part in the first International School “Politics of Memory in the Post-Soviet Space: Key approaches and practices”.

The International School, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the I. Kant Baltic Federal University, was held from August 20 to 27 in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region. The main topics of the event were the preservation of historical memory, as well as the fight against the falsification of history.

Within the framework of the school, lectures were organized by leading Russian research experts in the field of historical politics and memory policy in the post-Soviet space, in China and Scandinavian countries. The participants examined the methods of research of historical memory and aspects of international relations in its preservation, technologies of falsification of history and ways of solving mnemonic conflicts, the interaction of national concepts of the past in the post-Soviet space and other topical issues. Young historians and political scientists were able to put their knowledge into practice at interactive role-playing games and a master class on exposing historical fakes.

The key event of the school was the presentation of projects to popularize history, combat falsifications or preserve memory among young people. Five international teams of participants offered the space of popular social networks as platforms for implementation. During a week of work, they created educational websites, telegram channels, a series of video clips and even a whole educational competition for schoolchildren using neural networks called “Neuro-Karamzin”. It was this project that was recognized as the best by the expert jury.


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