Tuesday, February 18

On September 12-14, an international forum of producers and Users of statistics will be held in St. Petersburg

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The International Forum of Producers and Users of Statistics will be held on September 12-14 in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by the CIS State Committee. The Forum will be held in the Tauride Palace (CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, 47 Shpalernaya str.).

It will open on September 12. The ceremony will be attended by Secretary General of the CIS Sergey Lebedev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexey Overchuk, Secretary General – Head of the Secretariat of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States Dmitry Kobitsky, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North–Western Federal District Alexander Gutsan, Director of the UN Statistics Division Stefan Schweinfest, Deputy Prime Minister of the Leningrad Region Dmitry Yalov and Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS Konstantin Laikam.

The purpose of the forum is to increase the efficiency of statistical production to meet the modern needs of users of statistics. The Forum program includes sessions “Improving statistical production”, “Digital technologies in statistics”, “Modern statistics from the user’s point of view”, “Development of human potential of statistics”.

The event will become a platform bringing together representatives of the national statistical services of the CIS countries and other states, representatives of government bodies, experts, research circles, business, media and international organizations.


A source: https://e-cis.info/news/565/111847/


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