Saturday, February 8

An agreement has been signed with the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in Moscow.

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On November 22, within the framework of the III Forum of the Moscow Business Ombudsman, an agreement was signed on cooperation between the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in Moscow and the regional public organization for the support of women entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses “International Women’s Union”.

The agreement was signed by Alfiya Amirova, President of the International Women’s Union, and Tatiana Mineeva, Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights in Moscow.

“An ombudsman is someone who cannot work formally.
Every appeal on violations of the rights of entrepreneurs should be passed through the heart.
And it is very important to become a leader for communities so that business is on the same wavelength with you,” Boris Titov opened the Plenary session of the III Forum of the Moscow Business Ombudsman with these words.
The theme of the plenary session was the view of the business community on the implementation of national goals and objectives

In his greeting, the Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs emphasized that “the situation with logistics is improving, business is growing by industry, and the state has played its role in this in terms of the tax regime and not only.”
Boris Titov also noted the work of the Ecosystem to protect Moscow’s business in the new economic reality and wished his colleagues to continue the set course.

The head of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Demin dwelt on those initiatives of entrepreneurs of the capital, work on which has been going on “in conjunction” for a long time, including:

stimulating the IT industry through the extension of preferential taxation to sole proprietors from this sphere
, updating the amounts of damage under “economic articles”
Alexander Demin spoke about the further movement of these initiatives and elaborated on the Parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation devoted to the “pain points” of Russian business.
“The hearings were based on 549 proposals of commissioners from all over the country,” the speaker stressed

“Many of the issues that were put up for discussion, we prepared together with the ombudsman’s team.
We will continue to work together with the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in Moscow,” Alexander Demin said.

Chairman of the Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia Vladimir Gruzdev touched upon the topic of humanization of criminal law legislation for business
“Today we have done a lot of work, but there are still questions about the work of law enforcement officers on the ground.
All proposals for liberalization are actively supported by the president, and Moscow remains a leader and a model for economic development. We must continue the current work,” he said.

The head of the Mediation Center under the Commissioner Anatoly Kucherena expressed solidarity with the position of his colleague
“Serious efforts have been made to amend Article 159 in the Criminal Code.
And I personally feel a sense of pride from working together. There is a Center for Conciliation Procedures in Moscow and a matrix has been created here that has brought together unique experts — such intermediaries help the dialogue between business and government,” said the Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The General Director of RFRIT Alexander Pavlov mentioned communication with business communities.
“We get feedback on how effective the support measures are and what kind of “tuning” they need,” the speaker said.

Alexander Pavlov also said that the year 2023 shifted the vector of support from small and medium-sized IT companies towards large ones.

“We have signed agreements with 20 enterprises-leaders of key sectors of the economy, collected proposals from them and attracted about 20 billion rubles of grant funding for the revision and implementation of import—substituting software,” he stressed.

The digitalization of SMEs and the increase in business grants for these purposes became another topic of his report

President of the All—Russian public organization “Women of Business” Tatiana Gvilava – about business missions to friendly countries
“Half a million of our entrepreneurs are in the UAE today. And we are ready to assist in involving Russian and Moscow businesses in business missions to Saudi Arabia.
Arabia and a number of other countries,” the director of the RADS said.

The Forum was attended by the President of the “International Women’s Union” Amirova Alfiya and
Director of the department “Flower Protocol” “International Women’s Union” Nadezhda Fedorova.





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