Saturday, February 8

The history of the origin of the flower protocol.

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The Cottage Palace in Peterhof. An image from the Internet.

The floral protocol is the evolution of floral etiquette, which is aimed at achieving goals and objectives in various fields of business, economics, politics and the whole state.

The history of the origin of the floral protocol began with floral etiquette several generations ago. His idea was that with the help of a bouquet it would be possible to express the depth of thoughts and feelings, to demonstrate a sincere attitude and loyalty, to show intentions. The language of flowers is eloquent and multifaceted.  It was floral etiquette that served as the foundation and starting point in special circles of a strict set of rules, regulations, and protocol.

Thanks to such a communication tool as the “protocol”, the highest ranks of government and monarch dynasties have the opportunity to beautifully negotiate, build a “political game” at the international level, expressing their location by means of floristry. Thus, the authorities had the opportunity to follow their strategy, convey hidden messages and achieve their goals without saying a word.

 Floral etiquette in the Victorian era.

It can be said that the flower protocol is a diplomatic language in the world of floristry, through which representatives of government, diplomacy and business communities have the opportunity to make a respectful, faithful and pleasant impression on their colleagues and partners.

The prerequisites for the origin of the floral protocol arose in Europe in the Victorian era – the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). In those days, flowers decorated everything around. Floral elements were present in clothes, interiors, carriages with horses. Actually, then the language of flowers gained its popularity.

In the Victorian era, the behavior of the nobility was strictly regulated. And the open expression of feelings and sympathies was considered a bad thing and caused unrest, indignation and condemnation in secular society. However, the Victorians found a way to subtly express their intentions and attitudes through colors: a properly selected floral composition could convey everything that was going on in the soul of a secret admirer.

Flowers served as a symbol of communication, communication, and the transmission of secret meanings at a distance. The types of flowers and their combinations in the composition had a specific meaning on the mental and emotional levels. Even a floral fragrance could tell the recipient about the messenger’s intentions.

Цветочный символизм в России.

 В Россию символизм цветов и правила мирового этикета пришли в эпоху правления Петра I, который прорубил окно в Европу. Правила этикета внедрялись императором указами, за несоблюдение которых были предусмотрены наказания. Тогда же в эпоху Петра в столице появились первые цветочные сады и оранжереи. Великий государь особенно был неравнодушен к душистым травам и полевым цветам. Представители знати с удовольствием перенимали его увлечение, разводили цветы в оранжереях, а также украшали цветами интерьеры.

Peter the Great Baroque. Mikhailovsky Palace, St. Petersburg. An image from the Internet.

                            Interiors of the Mikhailovsky Palace, St. Petersburg. An image from the Internet.

                      Flower protocol. A new time. New rules.

But as time went on, everything changed. People’s attitude towards the language of flowers was also changing. Only the floral protocol remained unchanged. Of course, the protocol today is strikingly different from its original source, which was in force two centuries ago. But nevertheless, it is impossible to imagine any business event or public space without it today.

Fashion trends carefully penetrated into the floral design of state events, thereby modifying the floral protocol in some of its aspects.

Modern business or protocol floristry is the floral accompaniment of official receptions, business meetings, exhibitions and other events, which allows not only to harmoniously complement the space with decorative elements, but also indirectly affect the positive outcome of negotiations. In turn, the protocol bouquet can serve as a serious topic for critics to discuss, both in a positive and negative way.

Currently, many modern companies adhere to the protocol of events, where the conditions for their design are prescribed: the style of floral compositions, the use of corporate flowers in them, types of flowers and plants, combination with other elements of their brand, prescribe even with the help of which techniques the appropriate degree of solemnity is achieved according to the rules of business protocol.

The floral protocol also implies a number of rules that allow you to give the floral design of the room not only volume, life, freshness, create an impeccable background to achieve your goals and objectives, but also individual bouquets, compositions and corporate gifts.

Memorable photos from the life of Queen Mother Elizabeth.
A photo from the Internet.

The table during the royal dinner. A photo from the Internet.

It is important to understand that the portrait of current government leaders, diplomats and businessmen has changed. They have become more open, their personal lives are becoming more public, they often build image stories through personal brands, share hobbies. We are on the verge of changes, including in terms of the flower protocol, which leaves public people with a special way of transmitting information beyond what is allowed to millions of curious glances.

The material has been prepared:

Olga Postnikova, Head of the Floral Protocol department of the Embassy Life Online publication, Creative Director of IFC (International Floral Code) – business floristry and landscaping, Managing Partner of the Radisson Slavyanskaya Floral Fashion House

Nadezhda Fedorova, Director of the Floral Protocol Department of the International Women’s Union, Commercial Director of IFC (International Floral Code) – business floristry and landscaping, Managing Partner of the Radisson Slavyanskaya Floral Fashion House



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