Saturday, February 8

The response of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V.Zakharova, to a media question about the results of the development of relations in 2023 with the CIS member states, as well as Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia

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Question: How do you assess the results of the development of Russia’s relations in 2023 with the CIS member states, as well as Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

Answer: We are satisfied with the results of joint work with our neighbors, partners and allies in such an important strategic area for Russia as the Commonwealth of Independent States.

On the foreign policy track, I would like to highlight the statements adopted by the heads of State of the CIS on international relations in a multipolar world and on the support and promotion of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication, as well as the statement of the Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth countries in connection with the situation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone, initiated by the Russian side.

An agreement on the establishment of an International organization for the Russian Language has been signed. It is important that any State that shares its goals and principles can join this structure.

The IX St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, held within the framework of the Interstate Program “Cultural Capitals of the Commonwealth 2023”, became a landmark event. Its participants from the CIS countries, among whom predictably there were no delegations from Ukraine and Moldova, expressed solidarity with our rejection of the wave of “cancellation culture” moving from the West in relation to everything that does not fit into the the ideology of consumption and tolerance.

This year, the CIS presidency has passed to Russia. In our practical steps in this direction, we will be guided by the Concept of the Russian Presidency approved by President Vladimir Putin and a large-scale Action Plan for its implementation.

Last year, Russia chaired the EAEU bodies. At the suggestion of the President of Russia, a Declaration on the further development of economic processes within the EAEU until 2030 and for the period up to 2045 “The Eurasian Economic Path” was prepared and adopted during the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (VEEC). The II Eurasian Economic Forum, the II Youth Forum, the III Eurasian Congress and the large exhibition of cooperation projects of the CIS and EAEU countries “Eurasia is our home” were successfully held.

The joint statements of the member States of the Union, prepared on our initiative, contributed to strengthening the international authority of the EAEU. One is on the occasion of the EAEU Day, announced at the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on May 29 in Vienna, the other is on the topic of the impact of Eurasian economic integration on achieving Sustainable Development Goals (distributed during the Summit on this issue under the auspices of the UN General Assembly on September 18 in New York). They talked about the achievements of the Union during the EAEU Days in ASEAN on November 20-24 in Jakarta.

During the Russian presidency, an agreement on the establishment of a free trade zone with Iran and a Memorandum of cooperation with Myanmar were signed.

Russia actively participated in the creation of a legal framework for the CSTO’s involvement in UN peacekeeping activities. The Organization promoted the development of contacts with the CIS and the SCO in order to consolidate efforts in the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking.

We consider last year to be a success for our relations with Azerbaijan. Regular confidential contacts between Presidents V.V. Putin and I.G. Aliyev set the general tone for Russian-Azerbaijani relations, including trade, economic and sectoral cooperation. Cooperation in the transport sector, including within the framework of the International North–South Transport Corridor, as well as energy, has been steadily developing.

Despite the well-known political difficulties, as well as the persistent desire of Westerners to “drive a wedge” into our relations with Armenia, contacts with Yerevan were maintained at all levels. Mutual trade turnover has grown significantly. At the same time, 90% of bilateral settlements were carried out in the Russian currency.

Last year, the Russian-Armenian Scientific and Educational Forum, the Russian-Armenian Cultural Education Forum, and the Russian-Armenian Media Forum were held for the first time. Russian Russian Book House was opened in Kapan, and the tenth Russian Center along the line of the House of Moscow was opened in Meghri.

We continued to assist our Abkhaz and South Ossetian friends in state-building, ensuring security, socio-economic development and expanding international relations. In the spirit of genuine alliance, the young Transcaucasian republics consistently supported the special military operation. Local volunteers are fighting shoulder to shoulder with Russian military personnel, Sukhum and Tskhinval regularly send humanitarian aid to Donbass.

Our foreign policy coordination with Belarus reached an unprecedented level last year. The “Program of coordinated actions in the field of foreign policy of the States parties to the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State for 2022-2023” has been successfully implemented. A new similar document for 2024-2026 has been adopted.

In the context of the provocative line of the West towards our countries, additional measures have been taken to strengthen the defense and security of the Union State, including the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus.

Significant progress has been made in the formation of a single economic space, which has made it possible to increase mutual trade turnover and transshipment of Belarusian exports using the Russian transport infrastructure. The construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has been completed.

New consulates General have opened: Russia – in Grodno and Belarus – in St. Petersburg.

The Georgian leadership took a pragmatic line towards Russia last year. For their part, the visa regime for short-term trips of Georgian citizens to Russia, which had been in force since 2000, was canceled and direct flights were resumed, which facilitated contacts between people and contributed to the expansion of trade and economic ties. We are aimed at further normalization of bilateral relations, of course, if there are counter steps on the part of Tbilisi.

The key event in relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan was the official visit of President Vladimir Putin to this country. As a result, an impressive package of bilateral documents defining our strategic cooperation for the medium term was signed. The XIX Forum of Interregional Cooperation with the online participation of V.V.Putin and K.J.K. effectively ended “in connection” with the visit.Tokayev.

The dynamics of Russian-Kazakh trade turnover and investment cooperation have significantly improved.

In 2023, an exchange of official visits took place at the level of the heads of state of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic. Presidents Vladimir Putin and S.N.Zhaparov launched a large-scale project to build nine joint schools in Kyrgyzstan with instruction in Russian.

Unfortunately, the Moldovan leadership has continued its course towards the complete destruction of relations with Russia. Chisinau joined the anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union, went on a politically motivated reduction of the staff of the Russian Embassy, imposed restrictions against Russian-language media. Despite the cooling of political relations, we met Moldova’s requests for humanitarian assistance. So, in May, Moldovan citizens were evacuated from Sudan along with Russians by special flights of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

We maintained contacts with Moldovan political forces interested in constructive relations with Russia. In particular, representatives of the Party of Socialists took part in the X Moscow International Legal Forum, the XI meeting of the Secretaries of the Security Councils of the CIS member states and the IV international conference “The role of interaction between factions of political parties and blocs in interparliamentary cooperation of the CIS countries”.

Political dialogue and interaction in various spheres with Tajikistan were steadily developing, which had a positive impact on the dynamics of mutual trade turnover.

Last year, the official visit of the President of Tajikistan E.S.Rahmon to Russia, the first working visit to Tajikistan by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M.V. Mishustin, as well as the official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov to Dushanbe took place.

We positively assess the development of an in-depth strategic partnership with Turkmenistan in 2023. The visit of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to this country gave a new impetus to the implementation of joint projects in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

In the dynamic political dialogue with Uzbekistan, the most important events were the official visit of President Sh.M.Mirziyoyev to Russia and the working visit of Foreign Minister B.O.Saidov. We managed to sign a solid package of intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents, including an agreement on the opening of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Samarkand.

The 4th Interregional Conference of Rectors of Universities of Russia and Uzbekistan and the 3rd Forum of Interregional Cooperation in Kazan were successfully held. The Uzbekistan Pavilion has reopened at VDNH.

The project “Russian Seasons” implemented in this Central Asian republic became a significant event in cultural relations.



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