Congratulations of the President of Azerbaijan I.Aliyev to the Azerbaijani people on the occasion of Ramadan holiday
Dear compatriots!
I cordially congratulate you and all our compatriots living in different parts of the world on the occasion of Ramadan holiday, convey my sincerest wishes to all of you.
Ramadan is one of the blessed months illuminating hearts and minds of people, calling them to peace, tranquility, unity and moral purity. In this month, when our holy book Quran was sent down, Muslims get an opportunity to fulfill their duty and obligations to the Almighty with dignity, to experience the joy of spiritual and moral richness.
Even in the most difficult periods of its destiny, our nation preserved its historical roots, national-cultural values, customs and traditions. In Azerbaijan, which is an integral part of the Islamic world, religious holidays and ceremonies are celebrated every year, symbolizing our spiritual solidarity with the Muslim world. This year Ramadan holiday is also marked by the fact that it is celebrated in our ancestral lands, liberated from thirty years of enemy oppression, on the entire sovereign territory of Azerbaijan.
Dear brothers and sisters!
Our believing citizens, who have worthily overcome the test of fasting, see off the month of Ramadan with the feeling of pride and gratitude. In all corners of our country charity and aid events inherent to our nation are held, and the immortal memory of our shekhids is paid with gratitude. I hope that your prayers and wishes will be accepted by the Almighty, and this blessed holiday, becoming a celebration of kindness, feelings of mercy and compassion, will further strengthen the unity and solidarity in our society.
May Allah accept your fast.
Happy Ramadan holiday!
Congratulations of the President of Kazakhstan K.-J. Tokayev on the holiday of Oraza Ait
Dear compatriots!
I congratulate you on the holiday of Oraza Ait, which all Muslims meet with special joy!
During the holy month of Ramadan believers pay much attention to universal human values and sincerely strive for spiritual purification, lend a helping hand to the needy, show care for others.
The good deeds performed during the thirty-day fast based on patience, steadfastness and moderation reveal the true essence of Oraz Ait.
The traditional religion of our ancestors calls all people to peace and tranquility, mercy and compassion, kindness and creation, achieving deserved success through honest labor. This ultimately contributes to the unity and prosperity of all our people.
The ideals of Islam, the month of Ramadan and Oraza Ait are harmoniously intertwined with our cultural heritage and customs. This continuity unites all citizens, making an important contribution to building a just society.
May peace and harmony always reign in our country, and happiness and prosperity in every home!
Happy Oraza Ait holiday!
Congratulations of the President of Kyrgyzstan S. Zhaparov on the Orozo Ait holiday
Dear compatriots!
Dear Muslims!
The holy month of Ramadan, which is the month of one of the five pillars of Islam, has come to an end, and finally the long-awaited holiday – Ait – has come. I cordially congratulate everyone on the holy holiday for Muslims – Orozo Ait!
During the whole month of Ramadan we purified our hearts from negative thoughts, strengthened our faith in the Almighty and took care of our health. Together with these beginnings the feeling of kindness and compassion, mutual support and complicity grows in a human being, and that is why I am fully confident that in this great month the unity of our people has been strengthened even more.
Islam is a religion of creation, renewal of soul and tolerance. Islam as a traditional religion of our country plays a great role in the spiritual development of our people. The state policy of our country is aimed at ensuring freedom of religion and civil identity, which are necessary for the unity of the people, development of spiritual values and preservation of national traditions. We also adhere to a serious, balanced and patient approach to the events taking place in the world, while not remaining aloof from modern world trends.
Since time immemorial, our people have combined the values of Islam with original national traditions. I believe that every Kyrgyz citizen will contribute to the development of the country, strive to go only forward to achieve success.
Dear Muslims!
May your prayers and wishes for peace for our people and development of our country be accepted by the Almighty. May our faith and trust grow and bless us for a prosperous life until the next month of fasting. Let us serve our nation and state by utilizing the noble qualities handed down to us by our ancestors. After all, we have the desire, faith and will to do so. May each of us strive to strengthen national unity and contribute to the bright future of our beloved country.
May the Almighty grant goodness, blessing and prosperity to every home and give good mood. I wish that all our good thoughts and intentions come true!
Happy Orozo Ait holiday!
Congratulatory message of the President of Russia V. Putin in honor of the holiday of Uraza Bayram
I cordially congratulate the Muslims of Russia on the holiday of Uraza Bayram, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan.
For centuries, Uraza Bayram has symbolized for the followers of Islam the joy of renewal, striving for moral perfection, purity of thoughts and deeds. Russian Muslims carefully preserve the rich historical, cultural and religious traditions of their ancestors and, following their fathers’ precepts, celebrate this holiday in their communities and family circles, and provide assistance to those in need.
Muslim organizations constructively participate in the life of the country, in the implementation of patriotic, educational, charitable initiatives, fruitfully cooperate with government and public structures, give priority attention to the education of the younger generation, support participants and veterans of the special military operation, their relatives and friends, make a great contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people, preserving inter-ethnic harmony.
I wish the Muslims of Russia health, success and all the best.
Congratulatory message of the President of Tajikistan E. Rahmon on the occasion of Fitr holiday
Dear compatriots!
In the evening of today, the month of Ramadan, which is blessed and spiritualized with lofty feelings, is coming to an end. Tomorrow we will celebrate the blessed Fitr holiday, which is the festival of the fasting in the month of Ramadan revered by the Muslims of the world.
On the occasion of this blessed and religious holiday I sincerely congratulate the glorious people of Tajikistan and our foreign compatriots.
I wish every family in our country a happy and prosperous life, and I wish our beloved Motherland eternal unbreakable peace and firm, unshakable stability.
In the holy month of Ramadan and in the days of celebration of the blessed holiday of Fitr, every prudent, generous soul strives to do good, extending the hand of mercy and charity to orphans and invalids, to fill their hearts with joy, in a word to do Godly deeds, for which he will be rewarded many times over.
On the eve of the holiday to perform virtuous deeds, to be generous in charity is a good, worthy of respect tradition, our people take it for granted, very seriously and adhere to this custom invariably, avoiding ostentation.
According to the Shariah, every faithful, God-fearing person performs charity or good deeds, because he knows that all this will be reflected in his fateful book of deeds, and later, when his life time is over, it will be counted in heaven, in the other world, and then the soul of the deceased will find peace and satisfaction.
If this is the case, then the thought that it would not be better for every believer to abstain from sin and not to hurt someone’s heart?
And also, how good it would be if righteous, virtuous people, in the name of perpetuating the names and memory of their ancestors, especially those who have passed away, their father and mother, in the name of making their souls rejoice, would improve the shelter of some orphan without a guardian, some family, some poor or disabled person, they repaired a road, brought water to some area, contributed to the construction of an educational or medical institution, organized workplaces, in a word, did a good deed without compensation, which would be of benefit to others and for this they would earn the gratitude and appreciation of all.
For such deeds, the reward will be much greater in comparison with expensive events, including feasts with richly covered dastarkhans, and this is nothing but unnecessary waste and waste of money.
The holy Qur’an says that lending a helping hand to needy people such as orphans, the disabled, the sick and the lonely is among the deeds that are pleasing, welcomed and encouraged by the Almighty.
In this regard, the Lord God in Ayat 160 of Surah An’om unequivocally said: “Whoever appears with a good deed will be rewarded tenfold”.
The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When a person dies, (all) his deeds cease except for three: continuous almsgiving, knowledge that can be enjoyed (by other people), or a righteous child who will make supplications for him.”
Therefore, our compatriots, including the youth, should strive to do good deeds for the good of society, to sow the seeds of knowledge and enlightenment.
And the most important thing is to please parents with good deeds, try to get their blessing and good advice, then life will be prosperous and successful.
Dear compatriots!
I would like to note with satisfaction that after the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the Ordering of Traditions, Celebrations and Rites” our people have correctly penetrated into its essence and realized its benefits.
Today, money savings of citizens are directed to improve living conditions, construction and improvement of housing and other good deeds.
The past time, and on the other hand, great difficulties and difficulties related to the situation of providing food for the inhabitants of the planet, consequences of climate change – low water and droughts in many regions of the world, including our country, have proved and prove the correctness of our endeavor in this direction.
Our dear compatriots remember well the famine, crop failure and deprivation that arose and continues during the harsh years of the imposed civil war.
Therefore, every family, all residents of the country, it is extremely necessary to avoid excesses and waste, ostentation and pretense during events and celebrations, including holidays, and to think about solving their family problems and providing for their families.
Instead of spending and waste, we should strive to create favorable conditions for the upbringing and education of our children, to provide them with quality food, clothing, means of education.
I once again convincingly emphasize that we should first of all care about the education and provision of our children, give them such an education that they become educated, acquire professions and trades, be devoted to their state and their people, sincerely love the Motherland, be characterized by purposefulness and strong will, so that in the foreseeable future they become real owners of the land inherited from our ancestors, improve it, engage in creative activities.
For this purpose it is necessary for the whole society to turn to science and education, to give primary importance to children’s education, to increase the level and quality of educational process at all its stages, to make our youth educated in accordance with the requirements of time and progressive era.
We must educate our children so that they would be worthy of the name and memory of our glorious ancestors, raise the authority, image of the state and nation in the international arena, and in no case tarnish the honor of the Tajik people.
Because it is unworthy of a person, whose nation is called Tajik, with an ancient and rich culture, world-renowned civilization, to disgrace his nation.
So let us instruct our children on the right path, equip them with modern knowledge, educate them with high moral qualities, so that in the future, after us, they will not face difficulties, will not be deluded, dependent on someone.
Especially in these days, when spring reigns in the yard, the time of sowing and arable work has come, we should call our children, members of our family to creative labor, to learn to get three or four harvests from one plot of land, to increase production and stock up on food, to inspire them that it is necessary so that no family would not experience shortage and deficit of essential goods.
One of the peculiarities of our national law “On the Ordering of Traditions, Celebrations and Rites” is its moral, spiritual beginning.
The law says that residents should cover a “spiritual dastarkhan” on the days of Ramazan and Kurban celebrations, not to allow wastefulness and hustling.
The concept of covering “spiritual dastarkhan” includes doing good deeds, visiting parents, relatives, expressing condolences to those who are in mourning, commemorating the deceased with prayers, encouraging their children, teenagers, youth in general to honor and continue the good traditions of the ancestors of our people.
We should not forget that the holidays of Ramadan and Kurban are not feasts and fun, they are purely moral, spiritual rites that encourage the faithful to visit holy places and cemeteries, to read prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased, to say words of gratitude for the fact that peace and tranquility reign in our country.
Parents, instead of incurring large expenses to the detriment of the family budget, just to impress the richness of the festive dastrakhan, should distribute their funds in such a way that a festive atmosphere reigns in the house every day, so that every day is a holiday for the children.
As a rule, Tajik families have many children, we have a large number of distant and close relatives, and it is in our national character to visit them regularly.
Our relatives visit us 10-12 times every year.
Instead of spending money on a rich festive dastarkhan, it is better to honorably receive our relatives and friends who have come to visit us.
Dear compatriots!
In my speech on March 9 this year at the meeting with representatives of the public and clergymen, I spoke in detail about the religious situation in the country and outlined my thoughts on ways to solve problems in this direction.
The state and the Government of the country, relying on the Constitution and other laws, use all levers and opportunities to ensure the security of society, protect stability and tranquility, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, and create favorable conditions for the peaceful life of the people.
I also remind that our citizens, especially people of the older generation should not forget the factors and causes of the imposed civil war of the 90s of the last century, as a result of which our people experienced many disasters and hardships.
In this regard, I once again appeal to respected parents, teachers and professors, intellectuals and community activists and urge them not to take a hypocritical stance on these issues, to take the upbringing of children even more seriously, not to leave them unattended, always be in touch with them wherever they are, and tirelessly guide them to the path of truth.
We must pay serious attention to the legal education of our people, learn to live and work within the framework of the Constitution and other laws in force, and make it a compulsory and daily habit to comply with the provisions of the law.
We see how the situation in today’s world is becoming more heated and aggravated, the process of redistribution of the world is intensifying, rapid armament and a new stage of the “cold war” are continuing, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow.
In these extremely difficult and dangerous conditions, we must not allow our citizens, our children to become a toy in the hands of interested groups and forces.
Based on this, we can conclude that it is quite natural that the current situation on the planet brings to the forefront the need to increase political vigilance, deep awareness of national values, strengthening self-awareness and self-knowledge, increasing interest in the language, culture and historical heritage of our people.
We must preserve and use the eternal values of our people, which have been formed over the centuries, to educate generations of our people in the spirit of creation and creativity.
We should put the interests of the state and nation in the foreground, remember that Tajiks were originally distinguished as a humane and tolerant people, and entered the history of mankind with their rich and world-famous literature.
We should always be united and united under our national flag, support each other and remember that the united can do anything.
We should be filled with a sense of gratitude for the fact that we have an independent state, that we fully enjoy the benefits of independence – freedom, peace, stability and unbreakable national unity.
It is thanks to these benefits that our people are selflessly working for the further development of our State.
We should always remember that the Tajik nation has gone through many difficult periods in its many thousands of years of history, hundreds of thousands of our patriotic and brave ancestors fought for better days, many of them laid their heads on this path.
Thanks be to God Almighty that we have achieved freedom and independence, have our own Fatherland and our own state.
We have just started to form our state.
I know that we have hundreds of problems and shortcomings, but we should remember well that nobody thinks about the improvement of our homeland, i.e. our home.
Only you and I should think about the defense of the borders of the Fatherland and the improvement of our state.
But this requires time, hard work, perseverance, political and legal enlightenment, cohesion and unity, strong will and dignity, a sense of national pride.
I know that all this is in the national character of the people of Tajikistan.
With faith in the eternal durability of peace, political stability and national unity I once again sincerely congratulate the glorious people of Tajikistan and foreign compatriots on the advent of the blessed holiday Fitr, I wish every resident of our Fatherland true faith, generosity and success in labor, prosperity in the family.
Happy coming of the blessed holiday of Fitr, dear compatriots!
Congratulations of the President of Turkmenistan S. Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of Oraza Bayrami holiday
My native people!
Dear compatriots!
I cordially congratulate you on the holy holiday Oraza Bayrami – the holiday that preaches spiritual and moral ideals of mankind! I am firmly confident that Oraza Bayrami, which is a high symbol of charity, kindness and humanism, will illuminate the happy life of our courageous people, who selflessly work and create for the sake of the bright future of their native land, increasing the pride for its greatness and glory!
Our courageous people, committed to the principles of friendship, humanism and good morality, especially honor the holy month of Oraz, following the high ideals and moral values of Islamic culture. In the current year, which is held under the motto “Makhtumkuli Fraghi’s storehouse of reason”, in the month of Orazah fasts and original traditions were observed, tarawa-namazes were read, meals were held in every family, prayers for the welfare and prosperity of the Motherland were recited.
In the blessed days of the holy month of Oraz, with the participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Hero Arkadag, a mosque named after Seyit Jemaletdin was opened in the ancient city of Anau, and new mosques were opened in the villages of Hazar, Rukhubelent, Dovletli and Shatlyk in Gadyr gijesi – the Night of Mercy and Virtue, when the first ayats of the Holy Quran were sent down. Guided by the principles of mercy and humanism bequeathed to us by our great ancestors, in order to further strengthen the unity and cohesion of the Turkmen society and each family, as well as on the occasion of the holy Gadyr gijesi, the convicts were pardoned and released from further serving their prison sentences.
Dear compatriots!
Throughout the history of mankind, Turkmens are known as a people with rich experience in creating the most ancient civilizations and states, in building a just society, establishing the principles of peace, friendship, humanism and goodness.
Teachings and instructions on good and evil, honor and impiety, self-interest, sin and beneficence, truth and lies of our sages – Muhammad Gaimaz Turkmen, Abdullah ibn Mubyarek, Mahmud Zamakhshari, Abu Sagit Abulkhayyr, Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Nedjmeddin Kubra, Dovletmammet Azadi, Makhtumkuli Fraghi are the eternal legacy of great ideas and philosophical views on the spiritual world and morality of mankind.
The unprecedented material and spiritual values created by our courageous ancestors, who became a model of love for the Motherland, loyalty to the people, courage and valor, humanism and justice, inspire us to achieve new high frontiers of progress, increase our pride for our independent Motherland. Our glorious history and the current great era contribute to the development of harmonious relations between peoples, friendship and brotherhood.
In the new historical era, relying on the traditions and rich experience of our people accumulated over millennia, we are pursuing a policy consistent with the global goals of peace, security and well-being. We are reaching new heights by successfully implementing our programs for the happiness of every family, ensuring a high standard of living and well-being of the people, creating a competitive national economy.
My native people!
Dear compatriots!
Once again, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the holy Oraza Bayrami – a holiday that preaches spiritual and moral values of mankind!
May the Almighty accept your favors and prayers, performed tarawa-namazes, sadaqa and recited ayats in the blessed month of Oraza for the sake of increasing the world glory of our neutral country, prosperous and happy life of the people!
I wish you good health, happiness, great success in your work for the sake of further prosperity of the Fatherland, confidently moving forward to new heights of progress!
Congratulations by the President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev on the occasion of Ramadan Hayit holiday
Dear compatriots!
I sincerely congratulate you, all Muslims of the country, the people of Uzbekistan, who spent the holy month of Ramadan with a pure heart and faith in their souls, performing all rituals and prayers as prescribed by our sacred religion, and today meet Ramadan Hayit with great joy and excitement. I express my deepest respect and best wishes to all of you.
We thank Allah for these happy moments.
May the Almighty accept our prayers and good intentions coming from the heart!
May our noble deeds continue in the name of the highest value – the human being!
Dear compatriots!
As it is known, Islam is a religion of peace, goodness and humanism. This is confirmed by what is said in our holy books: “A true Muslim has the desire to live in peace, friendship and harmony”.
This year, during the holy days of Ramadan, such values have been even more vividly manifested in our lives. All of us once again deeply felt the consonance of the large-scale reforms being implemented in the country with the true essence and noble ideas of our religion.
All conditions have been created so that in this month of pure thoughts and hopes Muslims could freely perform religious rites. Attention and care for the sick, disabled and elderly people, low-income families have been strengthened. Thus, those in need of support were provided with material assistance for more than 20 billion soums, mahallas and charitable organizations in all regions held evening meals – iftars and charitable actions during the days of fasting.
Another embodiment of the noble traditions of the holy month was iftar ceremonies held in the evening of March 25 in Namangan with the participation of public representatives of the three provinces of Fergana Valley. This noble undertaking embraced the mahallas of the whole country, as if the entire multinational people of Uzbekistan gathered at one dastarkhan.
It should be especially noted that during the days of holy Ramazan, a group of our ulema visited foreign countries, conveyed sincere greetings and good wishes of the people to our compatriots, and held enlightening talks.
Dear friends!
Necessary conditions are being created in the New Uzbekistan to ensure freedom of conscience and religion for representatives of all nations and confessions of the country, development of their language, culture and traditions. New mosques are being built, places of worship for great thinkers and theologians are being improved, and national and religious values are being revived. Wide opportunities are opening up for the holy Hajj and Umrah.
This year, three days have been declared days off in our country on the occasion of Ramadan Hayyit. This will undoubtedly serve to make the holiday even more meaningful, to establish an atmosphere of kindness and mercy in the society.
Undoubtedly, such work will be continued. I think we all understand well that in the current extremely complicated and tense situation in the world it is necessary to protect the peace and tranquility reigning on our land as the apple of our eye, to unite even more firmly and bring our reforms to a new level to ensure the interests of the people.
We highly appreciate the example of cooperation shown by veterans, representatives of religious-educational sphere, multinational friendship societies and their active participation in the nationwide project “Yashil Makon”.
We have no right to forget that it is our main duty to educate our children in the spirit of national values as harmoniously developed individuals who master modern knowledge and professions, appreciate and love the Motherland. In particular, we must strengthen educational work in educational institutions and mahallas on the basis of the idea “Humanism is our goal, enlightenment is our strength”.
We support the initiative of compatriots who have performed Hajj and Umrah and wish to join the work in this direction together with the Seven and mahalla activists.
In these blessed moments we sincerely congratulate our compatriots abroad and the entire Muslim Ummah of the far and near abroad on the occasion of Ramadan Hayit.
Dear compatriots!
On this beautiful day, when our hearts are filled with special joy, once again from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Ramadan Hayit, wish health, happiness and prosperity to your families.
May all our good hopes come true!
May our Motherland prosper!
Happy Ramadan Hayit holiday!