The State Duma adopted an amendment on additional funding for Slavic universities in Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan and Belarus.
“This is the contribution of the State Duma, its deputies, to migration policy, and a specific one, so that educated and responsible people come here and treat the citizens of our country with respect. This refers to the words that some people like to say, but we are talking about responsibility,” commented Speaker of the House Vyacheslav Volodin, the author of this amendment, at the meeting.
“According to the amendment, in 2024 650 million rubles will be additionally allocated to support Slavic universities, thanks to which knowledge of the Russian language is preserved in the CIS countries, the total amount of funding for 2024 will amount to 1.61 billion rubles,” he continued. – Such universities introduce young people to Russian traditions, culture, and literature. This is especially important for young people who will then choose a job in our country.”
The amendment was adopted as part of the second reading of the draft law on amendments to the federal budget for 2024 and for the planning period 2025-2026. The bill passed its second and third readings on July 4.
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