The Russian Embassy, within the framework of the UN World Food Program, transferred 678 tons of fortified wheat flour, 147 tons of sunflower oil and 150 tons of peas to the Ministry of Education of Tajikistan. The remaining part of the cargo – more than 393 tons – was delivered to schools in Sogd.
Food will be distributed to 2,000 rural schools in Tajikistan as part of the WFP School Nutrition Program, funded by Russia.
In addition, in the near future, another batch of food aid in the amount of 1,354 tons will arrive in the republic from the Russian Federation, which will be distributed among 2,000 rural schools in Tajikistan.
“This year we have expanded this initiative to the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region. Local children will start the new school year and come to the renovated canteens,” said Vera Khutorskaya, Charge d’affaires of Russia in Tajikistan.
Issues of food security, school nutrition and preparation for the new school year in schools were also discussed during the ceremony of handing over aid.
The School Nutrition Program is the largest WFP project in Tajikistan, which has been funded by the Government of the Russian Federation since 2013. Within the framework of this program, about 450 thousand students of grades 1-4 of 2000 schools in 53 districts and cities of the republic receive full-fledged hot meals on a regular basis.
A source