In Russia, the volume of such waste is measured in millions of tons — they are mostly stored and not used in any way.
Scientists from South Ural State University have proposed a method for recycling waste from metallurgical enterprises. Experts note that in Russia they are measured in millions of tons and are mainly stored in sludge collectors, sedimentation tanks and dumps.
The production and processing of steel are inextricably linked with the formation of by-products of production. Zinc-containing dust is formed in large quantities in the gas cleaning system during steel smelting in electric arc furnaces. Another by–product, oiled scale, is formed on the metal surface in the form of flake particles of different thicknesses in rolling production.
According to Yuri Kapelyushin, head of the Laboratory of Problems of Physicochemistry and Gas Dynamics at SUSU, if dust processing of electric arc furnaces is carried out, it is using the most common welding technology: heating in rotating tubular furnaces with a reducing agent. “And only if there is no chlorine in the dust. Most of the accumulated dust contains chlorine and in order to extract zinc from it safely for people and the environment, it is necessary to remove the toxic substance beforehand. Another problem: after welting, an additional by-product of production remains in the form of iron-containing clinker. The disposal of oiled scale, in turn, is limited due to the presence of substandard oil in it,” he said.
The scientist came to the conclusion that the issue of processing the two mentioned wastes is solved with the help of special preliminary preparation and briquetting (pressing pieces of material). However, each of the by-products must be considered separately. The disposal of electric arc furnace dust, in addition to briquetting, involves the removal of chlorine. This will reduce the risk of formation of toxic substances (in the form of dioxins and furans) during further cultivation, the press service of the university reported. This approach opens the way to the creation of secondary raw materials in the form of metallized briquettes for the subsequent production of cast iron or steel.
The processing of oiled scale in the form of briquettes in blast furnaces will also be a profitable solution. It is a source of iron oxide. It can partially replace the ore. And the oil contained in the scale will save coke.
“The research is at an early stage. The main reasons for the accumulation of man-made waste at the enterprises of the country have been identified. They are associated with the presence of chlorine in the dust of arc steelmaking furnaces and the oil content in the oiled scale, – says Yuri Kapelyushin. – A potential set of scientific solutions has been worked out. It will provide valuable information for the involvement of waste in recycling.”The project is able to help the country’s metallurgical plants, which are engaged in the smelting of cast iron or steel, as well as rolling mills.
A source
In Russia, the volume of such waste is measured in millions of tons — they are mostly stored and not used in any way.
Scientists from South Ural State University have proposed a method for recycling waste from metallurgical enterprises. Experts note that in Russia they are measured in millions of tons and are mainly stored in sludge collectors, sedimentation tanks and dumps.
The production and processing of steel are inextricably linked with the formation of by-products of production. Zinc-containing dust is formed in large quantities in the gas cleaning system during steel smelting in electric arc furnaces. Another by–product, oiled scale, is formed on the metal surface in the form of flake particles of different thicknesses in rolling production.
According to Yuri Kapelyushin, head of the Laboratory of Problems of Physicochemistry and Gas Dynamics at SUSU, if dust processing of electric arc furnaces is carried out, it is using the most common welding technology: heating in rotating tubular furnaces with a reducing agent. “And only if there is no chlorine in the dust. Most of the accumulated dust contains chlorine and in order to extract zinc from it safely for people and the environment, it is necessary to remove the toxic substance beforehand. Another problem: after welting, an additional by-product of production remains in the form of iron-containing clinker. The disposal of oiled scale, in turn, is limited due to the presence of substandard oil in it,” he said.
The scientist came to the conclusion that the issue of processing the two mentioned wastes is solved with the help of special preliminary preparation and briquetting (pressing pieces of material). However, each of the by-products must be considered separately. The disposal of electric arc furnace dust, in addition to briquetting, involves the removal of chlorine. This will reduce the risk of formation of toxic substances (in the form of dioxins and furans) during further cultivation, the press service of the university reported. This approach opens the way to the creation of secondary raw materials in the form of metallized briquettes for the subsequent production of cast iron or steel.
The processing of oiled scale in the form of briquettes in blast furnaces will also be a profitable solution. It is a source of iron oxide. It can partially replace the ore. And the oil contained in the scale will save coke.
“The research is at an early stage. The main reasons for the accumulation of man-made waste at the enterprises of the country have been identified. They are associated with the presence of chlorine in the dust of arc steelmaking furnaces and the oil content in the oiled scale, – says Yuri Kapelyushin. – A potential set of scientific solutions has been worked out. It will provide valuable information for the involvement of waste in recycling.”The project is able to help the country’s metallurgical plants, which are engaged in the smelting of cast iron or steel, as well as rolling mills.
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