Tuesday, February 18

In July, 11 new production facilities opened in Russia

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In July 2024 in According to the Made with Us website, 11 new enterprises, workshops, and production lines were opened in Russia with investments of more than 100 million rubles. Of these, 6 are large with investments of more than 1 billion rubles.

Including coke oven battery No. 12 on Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. It is still the largest industrial facility commissioned in 2024 in terms of investments.

Most of the capacities have been introduced in the machine—building sector – 5 production facilities.

Kalashnikov has launched a modern galvanic line in the arms industry


Kalashnikov Concern JSC has launched a Russian automatic galvanizing and cadmium plating line for parts in the weapons production division. It was developed according to the customer’s technical specifications and is fully adapted to the production of the concern’s products. It was installed as part of a large-scale modernization program of the enterprise.

The line consists of several dozen baths, which allow a multiple increase in the production of galvanized and cadmium parts.

A factory for the production of paving slabs has been launched in Tatarstan


In Tatarstan, the first paving slabs production plant in the republic was launched on the territory of the Sviyazhsk Interregional Multimodal Logistics Center.

This is a project of the company “Choice Volga region”. Investments in it amounted to 1.8 billion rubles.

The daily productivity of the enterprise is 3.5 thousand square meters of paving slabs, 9 thousand pieces of concrete sidewalk stones and 25 thousand pieces of concrete sidewalk stones.

A production line for applying an anticorrosive coating has been launched in Surgut


On July 10, Surgut launched a production line for applying an anti-corrosion coating to pumping and compressor pipes used in the operation of oil and gas wells.

The line was put into operation at the Majerpak plant. This is a large enterprise for coating pumping and compressor pipes, the production is almost 340 tons of finished products per day.

The total investment in the project is estimated at 684 million rubles.

The work of the new Ruspolimet special metallurgy complex has been launched


The site, designed to produce high-quality metal for mechanical engineering, was launched on 07/15/2024 Kulebaks of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Over the past 15 years, the plant has carried out a large-scale re-equipment program, as a result, a world-class complex in the field of special metallurgy has been created, whose products are used in leading industries.

The project to launch a new site for the production of stainless steels and heat-resistant alloys at Ruspolimet JSC in Kulebaki required a total investment of about 2.7 billion rubles.

The implementation of this project will be carried out in stages. As part of the first stage, two of the six furnaces scheduled for commissioning have been put into operation.

MMK PJSC’s new coke oven battery No. 12 has started issuing coke


Coke oven battery No. 12 of PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is the most powerful in Russia. Of the Russian Federation. The production volume of the new battery is 2.5 million tons of dry coke per year, which will cover half of MMK’s demand for this type of product.

For Magnitogorsk, this is the largest investment project in the last ten years — the volume of investments amounted to almost 90 billion rubles.

The new coconut battery will allow the decommissioning of five obsolete units — two of them have already been stopped, another one will be put out of operation by the end of this year. As a result, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, including dust, will be reduced by 21%, and benzopyrene by 12 times.

A factory for the production of extruded polystyrene panels was opened in the Moscow region


A new production facility has been launched in Taldom in the north of the Moscow region.

For the production of panels, ECOSTROIPLEX has installed an automated production line that allows processing 13 tons of raw materials daily.

The volume of investments in the project amounted to 450 million rubles, 21 jobs were created.

The TPA-80 pipe rolling unit of the Novotroitsk Pipe Rolling Plant has been put into operation



The TPA-80 pipe rolling unit of the Novotroitsk Pipe Rolling Plant has been put into operation on the territory of the Ural Steel Plant.

The launch of the unit marked the official opening of the Novotroitsk Pipe Rolling Plant.

Its construction started two years ago. After the start-up of the continuous rolling and reduction-stretching mills, the production of pipes with a diameter of 32-89 mm, a wall thickness of 2.9-14 mm, and a length of 4.5-12 m started.

The distributors plan to reach the design capacity of up to 250 thousand tons/year by the end of next year.

Investments in the opening of the Novotroitsk pipe rolling plant amounted to more than 8 billion investments. 535 new modern high-paying jobs have been created.

A workshop with the largest hot isostatic press for the production of PD-8 and PD-14 engines has been opened in Ufa


A new production site with the largest domestic hot isostatic press in the country has been opened at the Ufa enterprise ODK-UMPO of the United Engine Corporation Rostec.

The launch of the unique equipment will allow to increase production and accelerate the manufacturing process of parts for serial PD-8 and PD-14 engines and advanced power plants.

The total investment in the project amounted to more than 3 billion rubles.

A PVC profile plant for network repair has been launched in Tatarstan


Linertek Group has opened a PVC profile factory in Laishevo for trenchless repair of networks. The technology allows you to carry out work without blocking roads, without disrupting infrastructure, which, according to the expert, is important for megacities.

The capacity of the PVC profile production plant opened in Laishevo is 750 tons of products per year. The company is now half-loaded.

Investments in the opening of the plant amounted to 200 million rubles.

A factory for the production of paint and varnish products has opened in Urus-Martan


On July 25, a solemn opening ceremony of a new plant for the production of paint and varnish products, primers and interior decorative plaster took place in the Chechen Urus-Martan.

The initiator of the project is the company “Laurus-Kavkaz” LLC.

The total amount of investments aimed at the construction of the plant is more than 150 million rubles. The new industrial facility has created 20 jobs in the city. In the future, the company’s staff is planned to increase to 35 people.

A new crushing and screening complex was launched at EVRAZ NTMK for more than 2 billion rubles


The complex at the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant will provide processing and preparation of vanadium slag for further processing by EVRAZ enterprises.

Construction started in 2023. During this time, more than 500 tons of metal structures manufactured by EVRAZ STEEL BUILDING were installed at the site and modern equipment for high-quality slag processing was installed.

In total, 11 new production facilities were opened in July 2024:

— of these, 6 large-scale production facilities with total investments of more than 107.5 billion rubles

— the total volume of announced investments amounted to more than 109 billion rubles

— for 1 object, the amount of investment is not reported.

By industry:

— Mechanical engineering, metalworking — 5

— Chemical industry — 4

— Production of building materials — 1

— OPK — 1

A source



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