Saturday, February 8

Comment by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V.Zakharova, on the results of the first round of the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum in Moldova

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On October 20, Moldova held the first round of presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on the republic’s accession to the European Union.

The election campaign was conducted by the Moldovan authorities using anti-democratic, totalitarian methods. Unable to compete on equal terms with political opponents, the Moldovan leadership made extensive use of administrative resources, carried out repressions against opposition politicians and independent media.

Such a policy was justified by the need to counteract the non-existent “destructive influence of Russia.” Our country was unfairly accused of interfering in the internal affairs of Moldova and trying to influence the will of the citizens of the republic. The culmination of the large-scale anti-Russian campaign unleashed by Chisinau was the decision, under a far-fetched pretext, to open only two polling stations in Russia, where, according to various estimates, from 300 to 500 thousand Moldovan citizens live. At the same time, about two hundred of them were organized in the USA and Western Europe.

All this happened against the background of undisguised Western interference in the electoral process in Moldova. During numerous visits to Chisinau, politicians from the EU member states openly campaigned in support of the current Moldovan leadership and its so-called European project.

International monitoring structures and observers have yet to assess the voting that took place. At the same time, information has already appeared in the media about numerous violations and falsifications on the part of the authorities, the facts of organized “transportation” of voters to polling stations in Western European countries.

Even the observation mission of such a biased structure as the OSCE/ODIHR, in its interim report and preliminary conclusions, could not ignore the unpleasant situation during the pre-election period and during the voting.

Based on the results of the vote count at this stage, it can be concluded that the voting results for the Moldovan leadership and their Western sponsors are disappointing. The project of the country’s integration into the European Union promoted by them did not receive unequivocal support. The majority of citizens living in the republic itself, in fact, rejected it. A slight advantage was provided by the maximum mobilization of voters living in Western Europe and North America, and unprecedented restrictions on voting opportunities in Russia. The same applies to the distribution of votes received by the current head of state.

The dynamics of voting in the referendum is also noteworthy. After processing 42.5% of the protocols, only 44.07% of those who voted supported the idea of joining the EU, 55.93% were against. When 71.25% of the ballots were processed, the gap remained: “for” – 44.68%, “against” – 55.32%. Then it began to decrease rapidly – and inexplicably for many in Moldova – and after processing 99% of the protocols, the result was “for” – 50.3%, “against” – 49.7%.

It should also be borne in mind that many Moldovan citizens chose not to participate in the referendum, thereby refusing to support the discredited European Moldova project.

Moldovans see what is really hidden behind the facade of the idea of Moldova’s membership in the European Union and understand the true intentions of the West towards their country. His ultimate goal is to turn the republic into a Russophobic appendage of NATO deprived of sovereignty, erasing the national identity of Moldovans, their language, culture and history, instilling neoliberal values alien to Moldovan society, and completely severing ties with Russia. Moldovans said “no” to this.

For our part, we always respect the choice made by Moldovans and advocate the preservation and development of ties with the friendly Moldovan people.

Source Комментарий официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой по итогам первого тура президентских выборов и конституционного референдума в Молдавии – Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации (


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