We tell you what is behind the future of diagnostics today and how mindfulness and technology can change medicine.
People have begun to live longer – statistics also show this. For example, at the end of the XIX century in Russia, the average life expectancy did not exceed 30 years, and in the mid-1960s it was already approaching 69 years. Today, a record has been set in Russia at all – by the end of 2023, this figure has increased to 73.4 years.
But you always want to strive for more – and not only live longer, but at the same time maintain the quality of life, be active and healthy even in old age. That is why people today have become more responsible about their health – check it more often, monitor the body’s indicators, undergo preventive examinations and medical examinations on time.
“According to the McKinsey & Company report, the demand for products and services that support longevity and healthy adulthood is steadily growing not only among older consumers, but also among young people,” says Yulia Isaeva, co-founder of the DNCOM laboratory, commercial director. – The impetus for this was the transition to preventive medicine and technology. More than 60 percent of consumers surveyed considered it “very” or “extremely” important to purchase products or services that promote healthy aging and longevity.”
At the same time, check-ups – comprehensive medical examinations of the body – have become more accessible. Moreover, the range of available services and the most modern diagnostic methods is becoming wider. Check-up programs are being developed today not only by public clinics, but also by private medical centers, as well as insurance companies – this gives everyone the opportunity to choose the right program for him, both in quality and cost.

Young woman near digital bubble DNA stems. Over blue background. Beauty science concept.
In these conditions, laboratory diagnostics – all kinds of analyses and studies – become the basis for disease prevention. Even the simplest general blood test can already tell a lot about a person’s state of health, “suggest” what it’s time to pay attention to.
Experts say: today, prevention, along with early diagnosis, as well as the personalization of treatment, is becoming one of the main “laboratory” trends of the present and the near future. Early diagnosis makes it possible to identify disease markers even before they manifest themselves, and the personalization of medical solutions will allow not only to diagnose diseases more accurately, but also to create individual treatment plans for them.
This, in particular, applies to genetic diagnostics – the development of technology has significantly reduced the cost of research, so doctors are increasingly using patient genome data to choose the right therapy. For example, a method called “immunohistochemistry”. Its essence is the study of tissues, which allows you to identify and localize specific proteins (antigens) with the help of antibodies. Immunohistochemistry is used to diagnose many diseases, especially tumors.
Following the trends, the DNCOM laboratory has created check-ups for all ages, as well as introduced innovative early diagnosis tests, in particular, NT- proBNP – a fast and informative test capable of detecting heart failure.
The DNCOM laboratory strives to implement the achievements of a promising direction in diagnostics — metabolomics. This area is engaged in the search for biomarkers that help to diagnose the disease early, as well as determine its exact characteristics for an effective and individual approach to treatment. Also, metabolomics helps to find out how effective or toxic a particular drug will be even before it is used.

Unrecognizable woman has video chat with experienced doctor on laptop computer gets consultancy during quarantine discuss disease treatment. Videochatting with general practitioner. Back rear view
Another modern trend is the interest in anti–age medicine. Scientists all over the world are looking for a “pill for old age”, but, alas, it does not exist. But there are many studies related to the mechanism of cell aging. Based on them, programs have been developed to slow down the processes of aging of the body.

A microscope is focused over a tray of glass vials, likely conducting a scientific experiment in a laboratory setting.
And to understand how quickly an organism ages, it is necessary to find out its biological age. The measurement of biomarkers of aging will help in this — these are indicators that allow you to identify age-related changes and predict possible risks.
The DNCOM Laboratory, Russia’s first anti—age laboratory, has assembled such research into comprehensive services.

beauty, genetics and people concept – happy smiling young woman with red lipstick over blue background and dna molecule hologram
It is clear that laboratory diagnostics will develop as technology improves. The more advanced they are, the more accurate, faster, and more accessible research will become. There are also certain trends that allow us to optimize work processes, reduce the percentage of errors, and simplify obtaining information.
“Firstly, it is the automation of processes, that is, the replacement of manual techniques with technological solutions, a single database, digital connections with government platforms and customer platforms,” says Yulia Isaeva, Says Yulia Isaeva, Co-founder of the Dncom Laboratory Network, commercial director, doctor. – Secondly, new opportunities are emerging: you can analyze patient data, assess the dynamics of health status, create online personal offices and doctors’ offices, and create individual check-ups. Thirdly, many new products are emerging: And it allows you to rapidly process laboratory data. This will speed up clinical decision-making processes and improve diagnostic accuracy.”
In general, laboratory diagnostics is becoming increasingly important in the healthcare system. Experts say that it really has a future: perhaps soon research will be integrated into a system of telemedicine consultations, and neural networks will give doctors recommendations for further prescriptions. Diagnostics will turn from an auxiliary tool into a key element of preventive and personalized medicine, and the integration of modern technologies will make laboratory tests more accessible, fast and accurate.

3D render of a medical background with abstract DNA strands