Today, in agriculture, as in many other areas of the economy, women often set the tone. Agriculture is not just a large part of the economy, it is a strategic sector that ensures the country’s food security.
It is difficult to imagine a woman at the helm of two large and successful agricultural enterprises, but Rima Gumerovna Safiullova is an example of the fact that there are no impossible tasks for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
Looking back, I can say that my career path is not easy, but at the same time it is interesting. It began with the activity of the artistic director of the Novoishlinsky rural House of Culture of the Drozhzhanovsky district of Tatarstan, and 26 years ago I first came to the Tetyushsky district.
Today, I head two of the most successful agricultural enterprises not only in the Tetyushsky district, but also in Tatarstan – the Kolos Agricultural Company and Safiullova R.G. farm, Rima Gumerovna shares.
The leader in grain yield in Tatarstan
Agrofirm Kolos is the leading agricultural enterprise in the region, consistently among the top five in terms of yield in the republic.
Last year, grain yields amounted to 60.54 quintals per hectare, fodder — 37 quintals per 1 head, and sugar beet — 600 quintals per hectare. In order to get a good return from this crop, along with careful selection of acreage, it is necessary to properly cultivate the soil, observe chemical protection measures for crops and technology. In the Tetyushsky district, sugar beet production is carried out using German technology, Kolos was one of the first to introduce it in Tatarstan.
Last year, due to adverse weather conditions, a difficult year for grain growers, we confirmed our brand – the yield of winter wheat was 67.75 quintals per hectare.
Systematic work is underway in the seed production activities at Kolos.
Last year, 77 experimental plots of agricultural crops were placed on the experimental plots of the farm: 14 varieties of barley, 45 varieties of spring wheat, 18 varieties of corn, which were carefully cared for, and the varieties with the best indicators are steadily becoming favorites in local agriculture.
The agricultural company has 1,100 head of cattle, including 450 heads of dairy cattle. The annual milk yield per cow is 9,000 kilograms.
Our new type of farming activity is horse breeding. All conditions have been created on the horse farm for the maintenance of adult and young horses, the number of which is 118.
Along with experienced farmers, young specialists work in the Kolos farm. The collective of the agricultural enterprise is 67 people.
The indicators of the Safiullova R.G. farm over the past year speak for themselves: the total land area is 5,020 hectares, 4,487 hectares of arable land. Last year, grain production amounted to 45.2 hundredweight per hectare, including 50.2 hundredweight per hectare of winter wheat.
Spring wheat of the Rima variety – 47.1 quintals per hectare. 6 quintals per hectare were harvested from a single 50-hectare winter wheat field.
The yield of sugar beet also did not disappoint – 660 quintals per hectare. The number of cattle is 400, the milking herd is 200 heads, milk yield is 7,041 kilograms, meat per 1 conditional head of cattle is 270 kilograms. Gross grain production is 12,330 tons, sugar beet production is 33,000 tons. 10,502 tons of grain were sold.
Decent pay is a powerful incentive for employees.
Today, we are ready to offer our partners grain crops grown in the fields of our agricultural enterprises and high-quality granulated sugar for export.
National projects in action
Federal and republican government programs are a significant help to the agricultural sector.
For example, the Kolos Agrofirm is working within the framework of the national Labor Productivity project. The staff of the working group received a number of trainings, such as the basics of lean manufacturing; implementation of improvement projects; mapping, autonomous maintenance, and others.
The Safiullova R.G. farm took part in the republican program for the reconstruction of livestock facilities. Four cowsheds were renovated, LED floodlights were installed, and a concrete slab road was connected to each of the livestock farms.
In the Year of Digitalization, agricultural enterprises have been actively working, with about 30 video cameras installed in this area.

Investing in the Tyubetey Tower project: a contribution to the future
In 2022, 161,000 tourists visited Tetyushi, which is 54 percent more than in 2021.
A visitor center for tourists has already been built next to the tower. In the future, there will be a hotel and restaurant complex, parking, a camping area, small architectural forms, a whole network of paths and an amphitheater. The entire tourist site will occupy an area of 20 hectares.
Construction work is still underway. Upon their completion, the grand opening of the tourist facility will take place. We will be glad to see you among the guests of this event.
“Traditions: a part of the past, a bridge to the future”
One of the most significant places in Rima Gumerovna’s life is occupied by social activities. She is the Vice-President of the International Women’s Union, heads the regional public organizations Ak Kalfak and Tatar Family, and is a member of the International Association of Islamic Business Charitable Foundation
Rima Safiullova organizes and conducts events aimed at preserving cultures and traditions, national customs and native language.
Rima Gumerovna is a member of the organizing committee of such major international projects as the International Forum “Woman of the Third Millennium”, the International Photo Contest “Mother and Children in national costumes” under the auspices of the Commission for UNESCO of the Russian Federation. He is a leading expert of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”.Международного дискуссионного клуба “VISION 3000”.
Participates in major International forums.
National culture is the national memory of the people, what sets them apart, protects them from depersonalization, allows them to feel the connection of times and generations, to receive spiritual support and life support.
Good deeds
The obligatory expense item of agricultural enterprises includes extensive charitable activities. It is necessary to provide assistance to people, in whatever form it is done. Enterprises led by Safiullova Rima sponsor various events, provide agricultural goods to the residents of the settlement, and sell goods at fairs at discounted prices.
Today, one of our main tasks is to support the participants of the special military operation. As part of a special military operation, agricultural enterprises under the leadership of Safiullova Rimma Gumerovna are providing support to Russian soldiers and residents of the affected regions. Since the beginning of the Special Military Operation, humanitarian aid has been sent and is being sent to the combat zone on an ongoing basis.
Today, it is important for a woman to be not only a good housewife and a caring mother, but also to strive for harmony between her personal and social life, professional career and family.
For reference:
Safiullova Rimma Gumerovna
General Director of Agrofirma Kolos LLC, head of Safiullova R. G. farm in the Tetyushsky municipal district of Tatarstan, Vice-President of the International Women’s Union, head of the public organization of Tatar women Ak Kalfak in the Tetyushsky Municipal District at the Regional Public Organization of Tatar Women Ak Kalfak and the World Congress of Tatars of the Republic of Tatarstan.
He is the head of the All-Russian Public Foundation “Tatar Family”, a member of the public Council of the Tetyushsky municipal district, a deputy of the Syundyukovsky rural settlement of the Tetyushsky municipal district, the head of the Idelkay and Miras Tatar vocal ensembles, a member of the International Association of Islamic Business Charitable Foundation, a member of the Sh. Marjani Islamic Cultural Center.
Awards and incentives:
- Honorary Worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia;
- Medal “For Great Services to the Tatar people” from the World Congress of Tatars;
- Medal “Berdamlek” (“Unity”) The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Gold Medal “MERCY” of the International Humanitarian Academy “Europe-Asia”;
- Badge “For achievements in culture”;
- Commendation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;
- Winner of the All-Russian open competition “The Best leaders of the Russian Federation”;
- Letter of thanks from the Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Commendation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Winner of the International Award “Woman of the Third Millennium” in the nomination “Female Leader”;
- The winner of the Entrepreneur of the Year contest. Golden Hundred – 2024″; Letters of appreciation from the World Congress of Tatars;
- Diploma of the Executive Committee of the Ulyanovsk Regional Tatar National Cultural Autonomy Public Organization;
- Federal Register of the All-Russian Book of Honor;
- Letter of thanks from the Shongat Foundation;
- Gratitude of the Tatar National Cultural Center of the Tetyushsky municipal district;
Diploma of the winner of the Republican contest “Woman of the Year. Man of the Year: a Woman’s View”in the nomination “Female Leader”; - The letter of thanks of the Tatar Kyzy contest from the World Congress of Tatars;
Diploma of the laureate of the II Interregional Folk Art Festival “National Round Dance”; - Letter of thanks from the Commander of the 14th Air Force and Air Defense, Lieutenant General V. Melnikov.