The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission has determined the specifics of the importation into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of electronic commerce goods purchased by individuals subject to non-tariff regulatory measures.
“The draft decision was prepared in connection with the adoption last year of amendments to the Customs Code of the Union, which introduces the category of e–commerce goods,” explained Andrei Slepnev, Minister for Trade of the EEC. “The document stipulates that almost all purchases made by individuals will be subject to a regime that does not worsen the situation of individuals who import permitted goods for personal use today.”
In particular, it remains possible to import devices with encryption components (phones, smart watches). At the same time, the import of precious stones and precious metals, medicines, special technical means, pesticides, ozone-depleting, poisonous, narcotic and psychotropic substances, weapons and a number of other goods is prohibited.
The ban is intended to protect citizens of the Union countries from substandard and unsafe products. At the same time, in terms of medicines, it was decided to further work out the issue of realizing the possibility of their import. The possibility of importing other categories of goods by individuals will also be worked out, taking into account the interest of the EAEU member states.
It is assumed that the adopted decision regarding non-tariff regulation will enter into force in 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication. At the same time, this will not happen before the entry into force of amendments to the Customs Code, which, in turn, will become effective after all EAEU countries have completed the relevant domestic procedures.
At the same time, Andrey Slepnev recalled that, taking into account the allocation of the category of e-commerce goods, a number of other decisions will also be taken in the near future, including issues related to customs and tariff regulation.
Source ЕАЭС установил правила нетарифного регулирования товаров электронной торговли