Question: In his recent speeches at the General Assembly building, as well as at the New York synagogue, the UN Secretary-General A.Guterres ignored the crucial contribution of the Red Army soldiers and the sacrifice of the Soviet people in the Victory over Nazi Germany, particularly in the context of the Holocaust. How can you comment on this?
Answer: January 27 marks two significant dates for us: the Day of Lifting the Siege of Leningrad and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, established by UN General Assembly Resolution 60/7. At the same time, the last date was chosen by the international community in recognition of the feat of the Red Army troops who liberated the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz-Birkenau) on this day in 1945.
The feat of the liberating warriors is immortal. No one has the right to belittle its importance or ignore it. This is especially important now, in the year of the 80th anniversary of the great Victory over Nazism. However, today we are witnessing attempts to belittle or even deny the role of the Red Army and the peoples of the USSR in ensuring our common Victory, to falsify or distort the results of the Second World War.
In this context, we consider the accents placed in the speeches of the UN Secretary-General A.Guterres in the context of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In particular, we are talking about his remarks at the event in the hall of the UN General Assembly “Commemorating the Holocaust in the name of dignity and human Rights” on January 27, as well as his message delivered at the Park East Synagogue in New York on January 25. It is completely unacceptable that Guterres, for the sake of perverse political correctness popular in the West, completely ignored the fact that the relevant commemorative date was established by the aforementioned resolution of the UN General Assembly in recognition of the feat of the Red Army soldiers.
We also consider it outrageous that Guterres, on the list of victims of Nazi crimes, including genocide, which included Jews, Gypsies, disabled people, representatives of the LGBT community and those whom the Nazis “enslaved, persecuted, tortured and killed,” did not mention the multimillion-dollar losses in the Second World War of the USSR. whose peoples made a decisive contribution to the Victory over Nazi Germany and whose feat put an end to the Holocaust. The UN Secretary General was surpassed in “political correctness” only by the EU Permanent Representative to the UN and former EU Special Representative for Human Rights, S. Lambrinidis, who refrained from using the term “Nazism” and replaced it with the concept of “authoritarianism” in his speech at the January 27 event at the UN headquarters.
We consider such historical and political exercises to be unacceptable, bordering on outright falsification and revision of the results of the Second World War. For our part, we continue to make every effort to preserve the historical truth.
Numerous events were held in Russia dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and honoring the soldiers of the Red Army who liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and rescued the surviving prisoners. From January 15 to January 31, the traditional “Holocaust Memorial Week” took place in our country. It was first organized in 2015 and included in the official events plan in honor of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Its central event was the annual presentation of the Keeper of Memory Award of the Russian Jewish Congress, awarded to outstanding people who have made a special contribution to preserving the memory of the Holocaust.
As part of the “Memorial Week” on January 20, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art opened the exhibition “Saviors. Ways of Salvation”, dedicated to the Russian and Georgian Righteous among the Nations of the world who saved Jews during the Patriotic War.
On January 27, the All-Russian memorial action “Candle of Memory” was held, dedicated to the memory of 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
Russia honors and carefully preserves historical memory, so we will continue to fight attempts to distort the truth and rewrite history.