Wednesday, April 24

Essueira for the New Year: not a single free number

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Esauira, Mogador, Mogdura, Amokdul are some of the many former names of Essueira (Essaouira). The picturesque city near the Atlantic Ocean was owned by both Berbers and Portuguese at different times. In the XVIII century, Sultan Mohammed III bin Abdullah of the Alaouite dynasty wanted to turn the city into the largest port of Morocco. For a long time, European ships anchored here, on which merchants brought goods and exchanged them for gold, cane sugar, oysters and salt. Cane sugar is the local gold. Europeans at one time discovered here abundantly growing sugar cane, from which they made a source of large incomes.

Эссуэйра (Эс-Сувейра) – самый романтичный город Марокко

A full house is expected in the city on New Year’s Eve. The head of the local municipality, Tarik Osman, said that there was not a single vacant room or apartment within a radius of 15 km from the center (Medina).

Travelers from Russia can get to Morocco via Istanbul.


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