Monday, September 9

The response of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V. Zakharova, to the question of the newspaper “Vzglyad” in connection with the penetration of Western journalists into the Kursk region

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Question: Recently, stories of Western journalists from the Kursk region have been appearing in the media. How would you comment on their activities on Russian territory?

Answer: The competent authorities are authorized to give a legal assessment of the actions of correspondents of foreign publications, bypassing the established procedures for entering the sovereign territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it should be recalled that criminal cases have already been opened against a number of such representatives of foreign media for illegally crossing the state border of the Russian Federation. All such incidents are carefully recorded, and appropriate measures will be applied to violators.

From the point of view of journalism, these pseudo-reporters can only be qualified as traitors to the profession, who have descended to direct participation in the fabrication and dissemination of anti-Nazi propaganda. The nature of the materials published as a result of such “voyages”, including staged scenes with prisoners of war and civilians at gunpoint by Bandera fighters and interviews with militants openly flaunting fascist stripes, clearly indicates that the main task of the media “landing” landed on occupied Russian lands – protecting the criminal Kiev regime, concealing its crimes against the civilian population, further destabilizing the information situation and manipulating public opinion, rehabilitating Nazism and creating the necessary background for the West to continue supporting the terrorist Kiev clique.

It is very significant that when such journalists are caught demonstrating Nazi symbols (which is a criminal offense even in their own countries), they rush to remove or retouch compromising materials. So, for example, the correspondent of the Italian state media RAI I.Pianerelli cleaned up an interview on his social networks with a neo-Nazi militant in a cap with the badge of the SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler”. At the same time, the journalist did not even think to apologize for his actions, but simply deleted the publications as if nothing had happened. All these manipulations eloquently indicate that there is no question of any sincere repentance for what he did.

We consider such activity of the Western media as evidence of their direct involvement in the implementation of large-scale hybrid aggression against Russia.

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