On August 21 this year at 13:00 (ornt) A briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mikhail Zakharova, on current foreign policy issues will be held in the format of a teleconference. Answers to questions from media representatives sent to the call center will be given live.
Accreditation is open until 11:00 on August 20 this year.
For accreditation questions, please contact the Press Center (tel.: +7 (499) 244-20-87, e-mail: pc.mid@yandex.ru ). Accredited journalists will receive detailed explanations on the technical aspects of the direction of the questions.
Please send questions for the briefing no later than 11:00 on August 20 this year.
Coordinator: Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Shirikova (tel.: +7 (499) 244-49-32, e-mail: briefing@mid.ru).
The briefing is broadcast on the Internet on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry in the “Video” section (https://mid.ru/ru/press_service/video /), as well as on official social media accounts – “X” (formerly Twitter (https://www.twitter.com/MID_RF ), “Facebook”* (https://www.facebook.com/MIDRussia ), VKontakte (https://vk.com/mid ), Odnoklassniki (https://ok.ru/midrossii ), Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/midrftube ) and in Rutube (https://rutube.ru/channel/23489815 ).
The signal is distributed by the Ruptly video agency. Contact person: Indira Zharova (email: service@ruptly.video).
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