Tuesday, September 10

The experience of intercultural and interreligious interaction, preservation and development of traditions of peoples living in Russia

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Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

A meeting of the “VISION 3000 International Discussion Club” was held at the Moscow House of Nationalities. The organizer of the event is the International Women’s Union. General information partner: online publication “Embassy Life”.

The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the topic: “The experience of intercultural and interreligious interaction, the preservation and development of traditions of peoples living in Russia.”

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

The moderator of the round table was Amirova Alfiya, President of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”.President of the International Women’s Union.

The Russian Federation is one of the largest multinational (multiethnic) states in the world. Most of the peoples of Russia have been formed over the centuries on the territory of the modern Russian state and have contributed to the development of Russian statehood and culture.

The diversity of the national (ethnic) composition and religious affiliation of the Russian population, the historical experience of intercultural and interreligious interaction, the preservation and development of traditions of the peoples living on its territory are the common heritage of the Russian nation, serve as a factor in strengthening Russian statehood, determine the state and positive vector of further development of interethnic relations in the Russian Federation.

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

During the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, the speakers discussed issues affecting state integrity, national security, mutual respect for the traditions and customs of the peoples of the Russian Federation, ensuring interethnic and interreligious peace and harmony, the development of international cooperation in the field of state national policy of the Russian Federation, etc.

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

The speakers at the meeting were:

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Boev Said — Secretary of the Public Council at the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation;

Elena Galibina is the President of the BRICS International Consortium. Member of the Council for Financial, Industrial and Investment Policy of the CCI of the Russian Federation;

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Nadezhda Kulikova is a professor at the Institute for the Culture of Peace (UNESCO), a federal expert, an expert of the Association of Family Protection Organizations. Topic of the report: “Family resource centers as an effective mechanism for intercultural and interreligious interaction, preservation and development of traditions”;

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Galina Merzlikina is an economist, art critic, curator, international expert on cross-cultural communications, President of the Center for International and Cultural-Business Cooperation “Culture for Life”, Vice-President of the K.A.Korovin Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage “Let’s Save Together”.Topic: “Cultural code: the legacy of Maria Tenisheva in the promotion of Russian culture”

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Alfiya Yakupova is an entrepreneur, women’s coach, organizer of the Tatar Beauty and talent contest in Moscow. Topic: “A woman is the guardian of national traditions and family values”;

Maria Ermilova is the Head of the Business Hub of the BRICS International Consortium, Financial Adviser, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Topic: “Development of international cooperation in the field of education”

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Yakovleva Lyubov is a Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Kosygin Russian State Pedagogical University, academician of the Moscow branch of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. Topic: “Orthodoxy and Catholicism as substrates of the philosophical cultures of Russia and Spain.”

Фотография ГБУ “Московский дом национальностей”

Olga Vakulinskaya is the president of the Federation “Women for World Peace”, the organizer of the international festival “Family World”. Topic of the report: “Interethnic interaction for the sake of creating a culture of peace and strengthening traditional family values”

After the speakers’ speeches and answers to questions, the participants continued to communicate in an informal setting.

We thank GBU “Moscow House of Nationalities” for their help in organizing the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000” and for the photo material provided.

Organizer: “International Women’s Union” http://www.iwuorg.com/

General Information Partner: Online publication “Embassy Life” https://embassylife.ru/

MORE PHOTOS AT THE LINK https://vk.com/album-211188669_304194372


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