Saturday, September 14

The woman is the keeper of the traditions of the people.

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Alfiya Yakupova, an entrepreneur, women’s coach, organizer of the Tatar Beauty Beauty and talent contest in Moscow, took part in the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, the theme of which was: “The experience of intercultural and interreligious interaction, preservation and development of traditions of peoples living in Russia”.

Alfiya Yakupova highlighted the topic: “A woman is the keeper of the traditions of the people.”

Like an unknown source, she preserves and transmits the culture and traditions of her people to subsequent generations. She is the keeper of knowledge of a whole family, which, like sleeping pieces of DNA, is unpacked every time she goes deeper into the study of the history of her people. It nourishes the ancestral roots and such a tree cannot be broken.

If a woman is in her place and knows the power of her nature, she is able to nourish entire generations of her family.

A woman is the keeper of the traditions of the people, and these are: language, culture, song-lullaby, food, clothes – ornament, religion – spirituality. Each of us, coming into contact with only one of these elements of our national culture, seems to discover every time some unknown feeling that stretches from the depths of centuries. And their source and guide has always been a woman. Mom sang lullabies to us, cooked food, talked about God, sewed clothes, and most importantly taught us to speak our native language.

We live in a multinational country, the peoples of Russia speak more than 180 languages, and we all have the main state language – Russian, which means a common mentality. But people who also know their native language, or maybe the one spoken by neighbors or parents, if they are of different nationalities, their brain works completely differently, and the spiritual connection with their family and ancestors is much deeper.

Therefore, it is important for a woman, being in her “right place”, to accumulate her natural power harmoniously, gradually unpacking the cultural knowledge of her people, so as not to become a branch detached from the source, but to be part of a huge tree, and fill her family with its power. It is important to pass on knowledge to the next generations, but first to comprehend it yourself in order to cultivate strong, deep, spiritual people who know exactly who they are.

After all, people who know who they are, their culture, their family, their ancestors and, most importantly, understand the value of this knowledge will never go astray, they will always have the right guidelines, since their being is based on a system of values laid down by whole generations before him.

This ideology is the foundation of our FESTIVAL of national culture “Tatar Kyzy”/”Tatar Beauty”. Its main mission is the revival, preservation and development of the national culture, traditions and language of the Tatar people, the transfer of spiritual heritage to representatives of the younger generation and the development of friendly interethnic relations.

We strive to show the versatility of the Tatar girl, her rich inner world, spirituality, education, knowledge of traditions, and the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

We focus not on the girl’s external beauty, but on her inner world and spirituality. We have a strict dress code and an emphasis on decent fashion.

One of the objectives of the festival is an in-depth acquaintance with the Tatar culture, as well as with the traditions of other peoples and nationalities living on the territory of the Russian Federation. The common guidelines of the neighboring peoples over the centuries are aimed at strengthening the institution of the family and family values in the modern world.

Also, within the framework of the Festival, we organize educational programs aimed at developing a conscious approach to family creation and childbearing, and developing the morality of the younger generation. The Festival program is open to everyone, regardless of nationality and religion, it is absolutely free for all participants.



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